Las Vegas podcast #803 includes:
- Ted Lasso opener
- Become a Five Hundy Patron, get bonus stuff
- MGM Resorts buys Cosmo
- Martorano’s closes
- Walk-Ons Bistreaux planned for Harrah’s
- Resorts World restaurant updates
- David Lee Roth announces final shows
- Recent trip reviews and reports about: Cosmopolitan stay, Planet Hollywood check-in, Blondie’s, Cafe Hollywood, PBR Rockbar, Bang Bar, Scarpetta, Peppermill, Stage Door, Ellis Island, Resorts World and a few general observations.
- Call us at (702) 866-9494

Direct download of the podcast: Five Hundy By Midnight 10/3/21 (52:56 min, 66.3 MB) or subscribe.