Las Vegas podcast #801 includes:
- Norm MacDonald opener
- Become a Five Hundy Patron, get bonus stuff
- NAB Cancels
- Main Street Station downgrades
- Awana Spa opens
- Chickie & Pete’s and Ka have opening dates
- Manilow renews
- Barbie exhibit coming to Crystals
- S Bar takes over Red Square space
- Listener calls about lots of Vegasy stuff, including Main Street Station video poker, 8 East, Rio, Aria, Javier’s, El Cortez, Resorts World, Parasol Down, casino owner dwellings and more
- Call us at (702) 866-9494

Direct download of the podcast: Five Hundy By Midnight 9/19/21 (35:02 min, 44.9 MB) or subscribe.