Las Vegas podcast #883 includes:
- Kylie Minogue opener
- Become a Five Hundy Patron, get bonus stuff
- The mob is back!
- A’s ballpark renderings were indeed garbage
- MGM ditches Hyatt for Marriott
- Rio update
- Fontainebleau update
- Fertitta strip development update
- Venetian and Palazzo parking charges coming soon
- Tape Face is moving
- Paris is getting a new cigar bar
- Vegenation closes
- Il Fornaio closure appears likely
- Drive to Survive restaurants planned for Park MGM
- Chateau is renovating
- Loop system is adding two stations
- Ghost Stories show
- Mandalay Bay is getting a big-ass golf venue
- Kylie Minogue residency/Voltaire opening announced
- Call us at (702) 866-9494

Direct download of the podcast: Five Hundy By Midnight 7/29/23 (58:37 min, 73.7 MB) or subscribe.